About us

Feelings Of Relief After The First Session With Us

Relief with just one meeting or session here with Cornerstone using an Integrative approach.

What is Integrative Psychiatry?

Integrative Psychiatry is not just throwing medication at your symptoms and dismissing your feelings. It is an all-inclusive approach treating you the patient entirely, you as a whole being both mentally and biologically. It combines conventional psychiatric medication and therapies with complementing additive treatments. Who doesn’t want extras? These includes supplements and nutrients along with easy to stick to lifestyle changes. Lifestyle changes can be hard but part of the work we will tackle together is therapeutic sessions to make these changes more feasible through supportive coaching and psychoanalysis.

Treating Symptoms of:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Psychotic disordersPTSD
  • Biploar Mood
  • ADHD
  • OCD
  • Conduct disorder
  • Self-harming behaviors/Suicidal thoughts
  • Eating disorders

“There is hope even when your brain tells you there is not”

—John Green